If you have a fundraising, social or other Rett Syndrome related event you'd like listed on the MRSF website, please contact the webmaster so we can get the word out!
2024 Moose Winter Classic
MRSF Virtual Education
Available Presentations
University of Minnesota Rett Syndrome Research Update - 13 minutes
Hosted by Breanne Byiers- Research Assistant Professor
Meet the research team; understand studies related to sleep, autonomic function, sensory response and eye gaze; enrollment information and more.
International Rett Syndrome Association / Rett Syndrome Centers of Excellence and Rett Research Readiness- 20 minutes
Hosted by Melissa Kennedy- Chief Executive Officer
Congratulations to the Gillette Children’s Specialty Healthcare team in Minnesota for achieving the Center of Excellence designation again in 2021. Learn about the role that the Centers of Excellence play regarding care needs and research advancement; understand the designation criteria; empower yourself with knowledge to utilize Rett Research Ready and myRett Trial Finder and more.
Scientific Similarities between Rett Syndrome Research and the COVID-19 Vaccine Development- 29 minutes
Hosted by Dr. Art Beisang, MD, Complex Care Pediatrician
Gillette Children’s Specialty Healthcare/Rett Syndrome Clinic
Concerns and questions around the virus continue to be a daily issue for the medical staff with the Rett syndrome clinic at Gillette. This presentation will explain how RNA plays a key role with Rett syndrome research and the mRNA vaccines. This presentation will provide you with information and resources related to this important topic. Learn how the COVID-19 virus impacts your body with or without the vaccine. Understand ways to protect yourself and your child against illness, with or without the vaccine.
A special offering for getting your questions answered is available via email.
Your questions will be directed to Dr. Art Beisang. Watch your inbox for the reply.
[email protected]
Pain Assessment and Management- Useful Tools For More Effective Management
Hosted by Dr. Chantel Barney, PhD, Clinical Scientist
Gillette Children’s Specialty Healthcare
University of Minnesota Rett Syndrome Research Update - 13 minutes
Hosted by Breanne Byiers- Research Assistant Professor
Meet the research team; understand studies related to sleep, autonomic function, sensory response and eye gaze; enrollment information and more.
International Rett Syndrome Association / Rett Syndrome Centers of Excellence and Rett Research Readiness- 20 minutes
Hosted by Melissa Kennedy- Chief Executive Officer
Congratulations to the Gillette Children’s Specialty Healthcare team in Minnesota for achieving the Center of Excellence designation again in 2021. Learn about the role that the Centers of Excellence play regarding care needs and research advancement; understand the designation criteria; empower yourself with knowledge to utilize Rett Research Ready and myRett Trial Finder and more.
Scientific Similarities between Rett Syndrome Research and the COVID-19 Vaccine Development- 29 minutes
Hosted by Dr. Art Beisang, MD, Complex Care Pediatrician
Gillette Children’s Specialty Healthcare/Rett Syndrome Clinic
Concerns and questions around the virus continue to be a daily issue for the medical staff with the Rett syndrome clinic at Gillette. This presentation will explain how RNA plays a key role with Rett syndrome research and the mRNA vaccines. This presentation will provide you with information and resources related to this important topic. Learn how the COVID-19 virus impacts your body with or without the vaccine. Understand ways to protect yourself and your child against illness, with or without the vaccine.
A special offering for getting your questions answered is available via email.
Your questions will be directed to Dr. Art Beisang. Watch your inbox for the reply.
[email protected]
Pain Assessment and Management- Useful Tools For More Effective Management
Hosted by Dr. Chantel Barney, PhD, Clinical Scientist
Gillette Children’s Specialty Healthcare